Some families are turning to retired cops and lawyers to find out what happened to their children because they feel police aren’t doing enough.

When private investigator Jeff McGrath began looking into the disappearance of Daniel Robinson, he quickly came to the conclusion that something was suspicious. But he said local police, who initially ruled out foul play, didn’t take him seriously.
Robinson, a 24-year-old geologist who is Black, was last seen on June 23 leaving a work site near Buckeye, Arizona. About a month later, on July 19, a cattle rancher found his Jeep in a ravine a few miles from the job site. That’s when Daniel’s father, David Robinson, hired McGrath, who specializes in reconstructing car accident scenes.
The system is so stacked in favor of white people, that we can’t even get help when our kids are missing! ThEY make assumptions that our kids are run aways, drugs are involved or it‘s domestic abuse and write us off 😡.
What can we do to fix this?! I’m so tired of just talk, let’s do!