For the second year in a row, Facebook Inc. — no stranger to civil-rights issues and controversies — is urging shareholders to vote against a resolution that calls for a human- and civil-rights expert on its board.
Citing the global company’s role in the amplification of tensions that have led to genocide in places such as Myanmar and Ethopia, wealth-management and shareholder advocacy group Arjuna Capital is proposing that Facebook FB, -0.29% install a board director with “a high level of human- and/or civil-rights expertise and experience and is widely recognized as such.”
The proposal points to an ad boycott against Facebook by more than 300 advertisers last year over the company’s handling of hate speech, including its failure to remove former President Donald Trump’s posts (it later banned him from the platform); civil-rights auditors finding that the Facebook had not done enough to protect users from discriminatory posts and ads; and an accusation last year by a former employee that the company ignored political manipulation by foreign governments that sought to mislead their citizenry, among other things.
Facebook needs to go
Privacy issues and things like this is why most people I know are jumping off Facebook.