The news that George Floyd's girlfriend, Courtney Ross, at one time served as a teacher to Daunte Wright echoes the intimate connections between Emmett Till and Fred Hampton, two martyrs of the civil rights era who never met in real life.
This shared connection between two men killed by Minneapolis area police who also never met each other illustrates how some African Americans remain, despite racial progress, as vulnerable to police violence now as they were during the heyday of the civil rights era.
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM #GeorgeFloyd #DaunteWright #Minneapolis
It seems we all know someone who’s been killed at the hands of police...🤬😡
“despite racial progress, as vulnerable to police violence now as they were during the heyday of the civil rights era.”, come on CNN tell me something I didn’t know… ain’t nothing changed, except y’all believe us now that it’s being filmed!! Can we please stop taking about how nothing has changed and start making change happen!!