This country allows wages to be dangerously low, while not providing any social aid and they dare us to fend for ourselves by criminalizing our survival efforts. There IS a War On Poverty in this country, and this is an example of it. Much love to this sister. We need to support her criminal defense.
This mother, who was found working at a pizza shop, told officers that she usually has someone check in on her children every hour while she is at work.
A Liberty Township woman has pleaded not guilty to child endangering after police say they found her two daughters left alone in a Belmont Avenue motel room Thursday evening.
Acting on a tip, officers found a 10-year-old girl and her two-year-old sister in a room at the Motel Six after 6 p.m.
The older child said that her mother was at work and expected her to be back by 10 p.m.
24-year-old Shaina Bell, who was found working at a pizza shop, told officers that she usually has someone check in on her children every hour while she is at work.
Bell was booked into the county jail on two counts of child endangering.
The children were turned over to their father.
Now free on bail after a hearing in Girard Municipal Court, Bell is scheduled for another court hearing in April.
Source: @wfmj
That woman must have gone through hell when they learned what happened. Of course it wasn't done on purpose, but I can understand why she was arrested (I'm not saying it was right to arrest her, just that I understand the reasons for her arrest). She is legally responsible for the childrens' wellbeing, and it likely came up in court that she should have gotten someone to take care of them while she was at work.
Instead of tipping off the authorities, why not lend a helping hand?
@Justin Moore Esq. thanks for highlighting this case so she can get the support she needs.
I hope she gets the help she needs and deserves, she is not a criminal.
Heartbreaking 💔
I don’t understand why our tax dollars don’t provided support services to support single parents. A baby sitter is gona set you back $10-$20 and hour, probably more then your making at a minimum wage job.
I don’t know this young women, but to me it seems like she’s trying, and I’m prying for here and her kids to get a break.
Thank you for highlighting these cases @Justin Moore Esq. we need to help those that are struggling, not lock them up, this is beyond shameful.
How can we help this women and others like here? What’s the solution for people in here situation?!! 😪
And where was the father in all of this?
This is way more common then it should be, pray for this women.
This is sad, arrested for trying to take care of her family.