Repost from @worldweus
This Friday our amazing Youth Coalition @worldweyouth will be leading a Day of Action to call attention to child sex trafficking victim, Zephi Trevino’s case.
The Day of Action will be taking place on Friday, April 16th on social media, consisting of sharing graphics about Zephi’s story, an Instagram Live with @justin.a.moore, Zephi’s lawyer, @itsjasonflom , host of @wrongfulconviction podcast, & trafficking experts @imrebeccabender and @bekahspeaksout ! Don’t forgot to join the #FreeZephiTweet Storm from 2:30-4:30PM CST/3:30-5:30 ET on @worldweyouth’s Twitter.

Here’s the petition, we are at over 300k, let’s get it to 500k!!
A day ain’t enough we need a month… nah a year of action!! #shewas16
#shewas16 , this is insane! She’s a victim and survivor. Instead of help, she’s being victimized on a whole other level!! #freezephi
Thank you for sharing this story! Will be supporting #freezephi !!