Study examines relationship between adult entertainment businesses and sex-related offenses

(Photo courtesy of Chris O'Meara/AP)
In theory, adult entertainment businesses — including strip clubs and escort services — could either increase or decrease sex crimes. By teaching men to treat women as sex objects, they could foster the kinds of attitudes that lead men to commit rape and sexual assault. On the other hand, such establishments might provide substitutions for sex crimes: Men otherwise inclined to commit assaults might instead spend more time in strip clubs or hiring escorts.
In a forthcoming study in the Economic Journal, we found evidence for the second theory: In New York City, over the period from Jan. 1, 2004, to June 30, 2012, the opening of an adult entertainment business in a police precinct decreased sex crimes by 13 percent in that precinct.
This did not seem to be because police presence increased in those precincts when strip clubs appeared: Other crime rates — involving drugs and theft, for example — were not affected, something we’d be unlikely to see if more police were patrolling these neighborhoods. Nor was it because women (including street prostitutes, who are often the victims of sex crimes) avoided the areas around such businesses: If that were true, we’d expect to find sex crimes increase in neighboring precincts; the crimes might simply be relocated.
absolutely fucking not. this is the most bullshit take i've ever read
As the first theory addresses, opening more illicit sexual establishments may teach men and young men that interacting with women in those kinds of venues is normal, and acceptable. I'm not giving an opinion on whether or not working in that type of establishment is "bad", but simply that the solution for men committing sexual crimes against women does not appar to be as straightforward as providing them easier access to women, as an outlet to taper away inappropriate or violent attitudes toward women.