Rural America has a growth problem. Business and industry desperately need workers, but the domestic labor pool is shallow, and the nation’s birthrate is slowing.
There’s no better place to help expand our economy than in rural communities like ours. We need smart public policy for sustained growth — and immigration reform would be a big part of it.
The Iowa Business Council, a group made up of representatives of the largest corporations in the state, has been asking for immigration reform for years to help solve our labor woes.
Plenty of research shows that flexible visa programs run federally or by the states could address this problem quickly.

I understand. That's right, immigrants tend to fill the job positons which Americans aren't as inclined to.
While I don't usually like arguments that place immigrants' value to the US solely around what they can do for the economy, I still think this is an interesting read. More people need to understand that immigrants contribute A LOT to our workforce/economy.