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What do I do if I've been arrested and need to challenge a deportation order?

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

You waive your right to a hearing, sign a Stipulated Removal Order, or take a voluntary departure. You also have the right to an attorney, but the government is not required to appoint one for you.

There are some cases where, if arrested, a person might not have the right to see an immigration judge. If you are arrested and told that you do not have this right, ask to speak with a lawyer immediately. Immigration officers will not always tell you if these exceptions apply to you. If you fear torture or persecution in your home country, tell an officer and contact a lawyer immediately as you might have additional rights in this kind of case.

You have a right to a hearing to challenge a deportation order unless you waive your right to a hearing. sign a Stipulated Removal Order, or take a voluntary departure. You also have the right to an attorney, but the government is not required to appoint one for you. Ask for a list of free or low-cost options, and ask the court to allow you time to find one.

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